2022 IS HERE!

The Web Summit Convention brings together the community of developers, creators, developers, game designers and many more from all over the world every two years. Web Convention are a gathering centered on web developers, mobile application developers, software engineers, CEO's of tech companies. Alongside tech’s leaders and innovators, we’ve gathered authors, athletes, actors and more to talk about how tech touches their industries. Our world-class speakers will take to the stage to share their expertise through inspiring talks, interactive Q&As, and masterclasses covering more than 30 topics.

Please contact as by e-mail if you have any other questions about the event


Web Summit 2022 logo

The logo of WS (Web Summit) was created by Manel Hammouche on April, 2022 using "logopit" (a mobile application)

See the past Web Summits

Take a look at the last two Web Summits which took place in Tokyo and NewYork


WS 2018 in New York


WS 2020 in Tokyo